Legal Advice
Provides community mediation service can help you to identify and resolve conflict and disputes at an early stage by an independent mediator. (08) 8202 5960 1300 886 220 for country callers

Provides free legal help to for low-income and disadvantaged South Australians experiencing civil law issues who cannot afford a lawyer or get the help they need from elsewhere. The Pro Bono Referral Service also assists charitable and community groups. The Refugee and Asylum Seeker Project provides legal advice and representation.

The Working Women’s Centre SA Inc (WWC SA) provides free advice and confidential information, support and representation to vulnerable workers residing in South Australia about their rights at work (08) 8410 6499 reception@wwc.org.au Wage Theft Dismissal Parental leave Family violence & work Discrimination National Employment Standards The Modern Award System Workplace entitlements Sexual Harrassment Workplace Bullying Redundancy Sham Contracting Interpretation & advice of employment contracts

The focus of our service is helping young people. We will speak to you and help you understand what your legal problem is and how to resolve it. We can help with: · Representation in youth court · Helping you deal with police, including if you are a victim of crime · Minor criminal matters · Fines and infringements · Consumer and contract issues · Employment issues · Tenancy · Family law and family violence · Motor vehicle matters · Civil law · Legal support relating to Centrelink issues · Navigating the NDIS, understanding your rights and how to resolve issues · Credit issues eg. Mobile phone contracts, credit cards, payday lenders etc · Leaving home · Medical Rights and consent · Providing community legal education (08) 8202 5960 or 1300 886 220 for country callers

The Disaster Legal Support Program (DLSP) provides free legal help and legal education for South Australians living in areas affected by natural disasters, including those affected by the recent River Murray floods. Our services include face to face legal advice (as well as phone and email) and community legal education throughout South Australia. The DLSP has dedicated Legal Officers available to travel out to these areas to deliver free: face to face appointments; legal advice; information; referrals; and legal education sessions to support individuals, small business, and communities with their disaster preparedness and/or response. For more information, contact DLSP at dlsp@communityjustice.org.au or call 1300 850 650

We provide information, support and legal advice to people affected by elder abuse. We can support you if you are experiencing elder abuse, or suspect that a loved one is. elderabuseunit@unitingcommunities.org (08) 8202 5960 1300 886 220 for country callers
Struggling to navigate legal issues at work? This might include: - Changes in responsibilities - Contractor vs employee status - Workplace bullying or harassment - Concerns about police checks and clearances Get in touch with the UC Law Centre’s friendly admin team on (08) 8202 5960.